2019-12 Dec - Engage your Children in Family History

Dec 8, 2019 family history children helping Ali

Hello from your Ward Temple & Family History Consultants:



This activity is tested and child approved. We have found our children interested in playing this memory game. Some more than others because each child is different. If you’re excited to do it, they may be more inclined. Little children are the easiest. Teens are possible. Even adult children enjoy this at family gatherings. If you have a family history expert among your children, they can be the “call a friend” for times where siblings get stuck, or go last. Knowledge of your generations helps instill awareness of where they came from, which builds resilience according to social science studies.



  1. Draw an empty family tree on a blank sheet of paper or a white board.

    • TIP: If your children benefit from kinesthetic activity, then buy a box of Popsicle sticks and write each ancestor’s name on one per stick. Or print them all out and cut it down to one strip of paper per name. Whatever works for your context.

    • Leave a blank space for each parent so the kids can put their guess into the spot.

    • Leave a blank space for each paternal grandparent and each maternal grandparent.

    • TIP: If you have never done this before, you may want to limit the game to 4 generations. If your kids are getting better then up the tree to 5, 6, or 7 generations. Or chop up the strips or sticks to only first name, or middle name or last name. This increases the difficulty.

  2. Ask the children to identify their parents names. You may be surprised that some children do not know your middle name.

  3. Ask the children to identify their grandparents full names. Saying “Grandma” doesn’t count.

  4. Stop while they’re having fun. If they want to try one more generation, try for Great Grandparents.

  5. Repeat this game once per year.


HERE A LITTLE, THERE A LITTLE - We can help you succeed little by little, one thing at a time. Feel better by doing small & simple things in small segments of time. Great things come to pass over time, so don’t give up. We can help you start! Contact one of us.

Your relatives beyond the veil will thank you for your efforts.

Your Ward Temple & Family History Consultants